Using the Java Event Source in TIBCO
There are some palette resources we never or rarely use in TIBCO, and one of them is the Java Event Source. This activity is used to create a custom process starter in the process definition. I wonder what would be the use case to customize a process starter. Is there ever a functionality not available in TIBCO out-of-the-box? Nevertheless, I have gone exploring this function which also led me to some advanced topics in Java. So, this is how Java Event Source looks like. You have two options when writing the code: you can modify the embedded source code in Designer or you can use an external class. Your external class needs to extend the abstract class JavaProcessStarter from the package and export it as a jar file, which is kind of cumbersome since you need to include the external library in the class path so that you can compile the code. Preferably, writing the code in Designer is more convenient. Conversely, what if writing the logic itself is mor...