Handling File Upload in Mule API using Multipart Form Data
Handling and processing large files via API can sometimes be challenging because the bytes of data need to be encrypted and sent over the network, which may have some bandwidth and security restrictions. However, in my experience it is still possible to send a moderately large file (less than 5 MB) using multipart/form-data POST request in Mule. This is possible because Mule supports streaming of data, which simply means that the whole data is NOT being read and loaded into memory; rather, the data are being read by chunks or buffers of a specific size in an efficient way. The HTTP Listener endpoint is one of those endpoints that support streaming. More technical details here . File transfers of moderately large file size can be done in Mule. For very large files, I haven't explored this yet, but the most common solution in the past is using the secured FTP transfer. File transfers of very large files via API may be possible but may require a lot more w...